Pricing Calculator (2025 edition)

(Free access)

  • Increase your sales by choosing the right price. 
  • This pricing calculator will help you figure out how much you need to price your products. Determine your markups and profit margin. 
  • This will help you set prices that will help you in sales and grow your revenue. 
  • It is easy to get stuck while pricing your products. So many things to consider and even small adjustments up or down can affect your enter business and its ability to make money in the long run. 
  • This pricing calculator will provide you a quick and straightforward way to set a price for your products. This will help you add up all your costs and set a profit margin. So you can sell more, increase revenue, and stand out from the competition. 


Pricing your product is a very important decision. Even small adjustments up or down can affect your profits in a major way. With so much on the line, it’s easy to get stuck on your pricing strategy.

Luckily, this product pricing calculator will provide a quick and straightforward way to set a starting price. It’ll help you add up your cost of goods sold and set a profit margin, so you can sell more, increase revenue, and outshine competitors.

Startup's Dictionary is helping hundreds of businesses succeed by simplifying things for them.

Now, it’s your turn.
Click here to download this calculator for free

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